Голфери и Спонзори!
Комитет за прикупљање средстава је одушевљен што је партнер са Кинг'с Форест Голф клубом и нуди наш 7. годишњи Голф турнир. Придружите нам се 14ог. септембра 2024. у дану забаве уз такмичења, награде, ручак и вечеру. Подизаћемо свест и подршку за проширење и реновирање наше Црквене сале.
Dear Supporter of the St Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Cathedral:
We are all still dedicated and motivated to continue with our initial goals with respect to the Renovation/Expansion of our hall and hope that you will continue to support us.
As one of our fundraising events we would like to invite you once again to enjoy a day of excellent golf, comradery and great food at our 8th Annual Golf Tournament
The golf tournament is being planned for Saturday, September 14, 2024. Golfing and lunch will be at King’s Forest Golf Club in Hamilton. The dinner will be held at the St. Nicholas Cathedral hall.
The cost for golf, lunch, cart, snack bag, dinner and prizes will remain the same as last year at $175 with $75 being a donation to the Building Fund.
We would like to thank the following members of our Golf Committee that have made a significant contribution over the years but are not able to help us this year: George Pejic, Diane Manojlovich and Steven Mrmak.
For golf information, please contact Chris Trifunovic at St.NicholasGolf@hotmail.com.
Please see the Golf Registration Form for payment information.
There will not be a registration desk at the club on the day of the tournament; so, please submit your golf registration by August 25, 2024.
For cancellations after September 10, 2024 a $100 administration fee will be deducted from a requested return of fees.
As in previous years, in addition to, or in lieu of, attending the tournament, sponsoring, which can be done in a number of ways, is one way everybody can help. Please see the classifications outlined below. All will be recognized at our dinner and tax receipts will be issued for all sponsorship's and donations.
Vesna Pankerichan,
President, SCS
Dragica Sobot,
Fundraising Committee Chairman
Vladimir Sobot,
President, Building Committee
Sponsorship Classifications
Platinum Level - $25,000
Includes 1 golf foursome at the tournament + 4 golf shirts + placard in hall + sign on hole.
Diamond Level - $15,000
Includes 1 golf foursome at the tournament + 4 golf shirts + golf balls + banner in hall + sign on hole.
Gold Level - $10,000
Includes 4 golf shirts + banner in hall + sign on hole.
Emerald Level - $5,000
Includes golf balls + banner in hall + sign on hole.
Ruby Level - $2,500
Includes golf balls + sign on hole.
Dinner Sponsor - $2,000*
Carts Sponsor - $2,000*
Lunch Sponsor - $1,500*
Gift Bag Sponsor - $1,000*
Prizes Sponsor - $500* (X3)
Beer Sponsor - $500*
Liquor Sponsor - $500*
Hole Sponsor - $250* (X50)
Supporter - $100
*(includes a sign on the golf course)
For sponsorship information, please contact
Dragica Sobot at ddsobot@hotmail.com,
Anka Manojlovich at AnkaMano29@gmail.com or
Chris Trifunovic at St.NicholasGolf@hotmail.com
Please see the Sponsorship Form for payment information.